Online Tools for Small Business Marketing


Small business owners know how daunting it can be to do to marketing without a marketing budget. Therefore, it is imperative that you take advantage of existing tools that will help elevate your marketing game while also costing you less time. 


Hootsuite is a Vancouver-based social media management tool founded by Ryan Holmes in 2008. Operating on the freemium model, Hootsuite allows you to connect three of the six social media profiles it currently has fully integrated in the platform. These include Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google +, and WordPress. Furthermore, you can add apps such as Vimeo, Tumblr, Tailwind (read below), and more to help you cast a bigger, and better curated, net online. Some of these apps are free of charge while some of them cost a few bucks to integrate. 


While Hootsuite allows you to manage a large number of social media profiles, Tailwind was designed specifically for Pinterest, a platform that is an essential part of digital strategy for most brick-and-mortar stores. It allows you to schedule pins throughout the month and recommends other pins that you may be interested in.


canva-dscienceDon’t have the funds to hire a graphic designer, but still want your tweets and Facebook posts to boast a customized look? Don’t fret as Melanie Perkins, founder of the Australian startup Canva, is here to help. As a graphic design student, she became very cognizant of how convoluted and overly complicated design applications were. It takes years to truly learn and harness the power of programs such as photoshop. Small business owners simply do not have this much time to spare as they are operating a business! 

Canva, which operates on the freemium model, provides a platform on which even the most technically challenged users can make stunning designs in just minutes. Whether you are looking to create a custom graphic for Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest, a presentation for a potential client, or a flyer to hand out to customers, Canva is there to assist you. It is a must-use if you are a small business owner. 

Additionally, Canva has some serious financial backers as well including Guy Kawasaki, Lars Rasmussen (Creator of Google Maps), and movie star Woody Harrelson. 

Try each of these web-based tools to take your small business marketing efforts to the next level.
