Hyperlocal Marketing: How to Drive Traffic to Your Business

How to Drive Traffic to Your Business

Today we’re going to look at one of the best ways to generate leads, drive foot traffic, and bring business to your doors: Hyperlocal marketing.

In this post, you will learn:

  • What hyperlocal marketing is
  • How hyperlocal marketing works
  • What kinds of businesses are best-suited to hyperlocal marketing
  • How to start a hyperlocal marketing campaign

Ready to get started? Read on to learn more!

What Is Hyperlocal Marketing?

Hyperlocal marketing is an online marketing strategy that targets consumers within a highly specific area. The area can be a town, a neighborhood, or even a couple of blocks. What matters is that it is geographically confined and highly relevant to local searchers’ needs.

The goal of hyperlocal is simple: To connect businesses with customers who are nearby and searching for their services.

The target audience is generally those people conducting “near me” searches. These are consumers looking for a service, probably from their phone, while they’re on the go. The first result they find is likely the one they’ll choose.

Hyperlocal marketing is designed to help you become that first result. Its purpose is to get you to the top of local search results. If you’re a mechanic, you want to appear in front of the people who are looking for “auto repair near me.” Hyperlocal will help you do that.

Who Benefits from Hyperlocal Marketing?

Hyperlocal marketing is a great strategy for any business that relies on foot traffic and face-to-face customer interactions. Restaurants, bakeries, and boutiques are all stellar candidates. So too are service providers like plumbers, HVAC technicians, mechanics—anyone whom a consumer might need for immediate assistance.

How to Start a Hyperlocal Marketing Campaign?

Hyperlocal includes a broad swathe of techniques and strategies across multiple platforms. It’s a lot, but you don’t need it all to get started. Instead, here are three simple strategies you can use to launch your hyperlocal campaign:

1. Create a Detailed Google My Business Listing

Your Google My Business (GMB) listing is priority number one. If you don’t have one, create one. If yours is outdated, update it. This is where Google sources most of its information when displaying local search results, so make sure your GMB listing is as detailed, comprehensive, and up-to-date as possible.

For more advice, check out our tips on how to turn your GMB listing into a lead-generating machine.

2. Use Geo-Targeted Google Ads

Google Ads is a paid ad platform that offers an incredible amount of utility. For hyperlocal marketing, it lets you fine-tune search results so your ads show up only for users within a very narrow geographical area. You can tweak it as you see fit, allowing you to hone in on your key demographic.

3. Build Your Social Media Presence

Social media helps businesses share their stories and connect with their clients in meaningful ways. It empowers, letting you broadcast a message that sets you apart from your competitors.

One of the most useful tools you have in your social media toolkit is Facebook Ads. Despite how many new social media platforms keep cropping up, year after year Facebook remains the biggest. If you have to pick one on which to advertise, it’s the one to choose. Plus, like Google, Facebook lets you get hyper-specific with your advertisements. You can customize the format, alter who can see it, and refine it as you go along.

Facebook has another nifty tool: Insights, which allows you to gather information about your brand and how it performs compared to competitors. Great for getting the highest return on investment!

Need Help with Your Local Marketing?

LinkNow to the Rescue!

With over 10 000 clients across North America, LinkNow Media is a leader in the digital marketing industry. We develop innovative solutions that help businesses grow their online footprint, connect with their client base, and flourish in competitive industries.

If you need help with setting up a hyperlocal marketing campaign, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Leave a comment, drop us a line, or send us an email at website@linknowmedia.com to get in touch with us.


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