Blogging Tips for Small Business Owners

flagsNo matter your type of business, it never hurts to read up on blogging tips every now and then. Whether you’ve hit a wall or need reassurance that you’re on the right path, a small tip can be enough to get those creative juices flowing. So, here are 3 quick tips from LinkNow Media to ensure your blog reaches your target audience.

Be Informative

It is important that you know where your prospective customers are at all points in the buying process. You’ll want to introduce your blog to could-be clients in the first stage of the buying process. At this point, they know very little about who you are and what you’re all about. They have gotten wind about your company from a friend, or came across your business with a quick Google search. A blog is a perfect platform to introduce yourself because people are eager to learn about the services you offer. Put yourself in their shoes and provide them with answers to the questions that they’re asking.

Be Interesting

It’s a fair judgement to make that anyone who owns a business understands the importance of marketing their business online. However, this is easier said than done – especially for business owners who are aren’t in fun industries, like technology or sports. Industries, like plumbing and hay bailing, don’t readily lend themselves to fun and interesting content. None-the-less, there are ways around that. A great way to hold the interest of your reader is by using pictures and GIFs. Don’t be afraid to be silly or crack a joke – this is an opportunity to show your human side.

Be Involved

Blogging is so much more than just posting content each week. It involves interacting with readers, answering questions, and asking questions, too. As a blogger, it is your duty to remain active in the conversation section of your blog. If someone has a question, and you know that you’ve written a blog in the past that provides the answer to that question, be sure to post a link to that specific blog. Not only will this provide your reader with the answer they’re looking for, it can also help your blog in terms of ranking.

Final Thoughts

Blog ideas don’t always come easy to us at LinkNow Media. We’ve found that the easiest way to get out of a creative rut is by bouncing ideas off each other, and sometimes we venture outside the marketing department. Asking sales and customer service reps what types of questions they’re getting from customers helps us create more relevant content.


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