Starting a Blog: Pro Tips for Small Business Owners

As a business owner, you believe in good, old-fashioned hard work, and you prove yourself best in real-time: on the job.
But have you ever considered starting a blog? A blog proves that you have an in-depth mastery of your trade, that you really know what you’re talking about, and it shows.

At LinkNow Media, we believe a solid online presence can establish you as an industry leader. Blogging is an excellent way to prove you’re an authority in your field. By engaging with your clients on a personal level, your blog helps create trust, boost sales, and brand awareness.

From providing valuable insight and posting consistently to encouraging conversation and being authentic, this blog will give you the tools you need to take your blog to the next level.



Blogging Tip #1: Provide Valuable Information

As they say, give the people what they want.

Before you embark on your blogging journey, do some research to pinpoint hot topics in your trade. What are people Googling? How can you answer their questions best? Take note of a few subjects and start brainstorming.

Once you start putting out content that’s relevant and interesting, you’re letting potential new clients know they can trust you. Then, people may check back to find out the latest scoop, because they know you post essential information.

Blogging Tip #2: Post Regularly

Although it isn’t required, bloggers that continually put out content tend to get more traction. Posting frequently is essential to growing your audience. If you want your blog to get views, you should keep at it, even if you don’t see immediate results.

Hang in there. Consistency is key.

Blogging Tip #3: Engage with Others as Much as Possible

Even if you’re just starting, audience engagement is a crucial part of the process. Finish every post by encouraging readers to leave a comment. Ask family and friends to read and reply to your blog posts. Promote your blog by posting the website URL on social media and asking others to share it.

Eventually, things will start to pick up. Once this happens, make sure to reply to everyone and thank them for commenting. Keep up conversations, and your reach will continue to grow.

Blogging Tip #4: Be Authentic and Have Fun


No blog is complete without a little sprinkle of personality. Yes, the readers are here for your professional insight, but that doesn’t mean your content can’t be fun.

Be yourself. Take breaks and go off-topic. Share stories that others can relate to and understand. Include pictures and videos of yourself, your team, and your work.

No Time to Run a Blog? No Problem.

We at LinkNow Media can integrate a blog into your website, making sure it’s informative, engaging, and up to date. Contact us now to inquire and leave us a reply below.


2 thoughts on “Starting a Blog: Pro Tips for Small Business Owners

  1. Hey Rob,
    Thanks for your input! I couldn’t agree more: If you want success online these days, you need a blog. It’s a great, cost-effective way to grow your presence while building trust with clients.

    All the best,

  2. Hey there,
    Glad you found the post informative! We’ll have plenty more coming your way soon, so stay tuned.

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